Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mr. Mom: Day #1 report

Day 1 went great!  Bad back and all (I threw out my back horsing around with Lleyton last Friday night and am operating at about 60% right now, which is much better than the 25% I was over the weekend). 

I couldn't have asked for much more out of the kids.  That is from the time I picked them up from daycare until the time I took them back this morning.  That doesn't include yesterday at daycare when Lleyton threw a rock at one of his friends.  But that wasn't on my watch.

Sara had a talk with Parker before she left that he had to be a big helper this week and he has been just that.  Usually the routine at night is for Sara to put Addy to bed while I read Lleyton and Parker a book or two before saying goodnight to them.  Well, since Sara isn't home this week, obviously I am the one putting Addy to bed, and this is what I was greeted with when I went in to read to my boys...

Parker loves to read, and Lleyton was really enjoying hanging with his big bro listening to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. 

This morning, all of the kids were up and at 'em without any problems.  Lleyton and Addy were up pretty early, much earlier than usual, which really disrupted Molly's (and my) sleeping, so she thought she might be able to find some refuge away from the little ones.  She was sorely mistaken, as Lleyton found her hiding spot rather quickly.

Sara thinks that sometimes I have trouble dressing the kids in things that match.  I respectfully disagree.  I think I passed with flying colors this morning.

Note: I didnt' forget to get Lleyton changed this morning, it's pajama day at school.


  1. I'm glad you clarified about Lleyton's wardrobe, as I looked at the picture first before reading the disclaimer. I thought Oh, no Mr. Mom! Everybody looks adorable as always.

  2. Yay for kitty pictures! (And the kids are cute too.) =)

  3. Monte was gone for 4 days last week and you are doing so much better than I did!!!! Yes, I am used to being home ALL DAY LONG with them, but once 6pm rolls around I like backup!
    Those three kiddos are such cuties!!! I hope your back feels better soon!
    Do you guys think you'll make it to Indy for the cultural dinner on the 13th?
