Thursday, April 1, 2010

Doggie Heaven

I can remember it like was was Christmas morning 1992. My brother and sisters and I had finished rummaging through our stockings as we headed up the stairs to see what Santa had brought for us. As we entered the living room, we could hear that something was special about this Christmas, one of Emily's presents was barking. She scurried over to a picnic basket that was amongst her other gifts and found what turned out to be the best present she ever received, a dog. It took her about one minute to name her new best friend...

Suzy Jasmine Raja Ritzmann

Fast forward 17 years...17 good years. That is how long Suzy was with us. She lived the first 15 years of her life to the fullest, spending plenty of quality time living the college life in Bloomington with Emily, always enjoying a good car ride, nibbling on anything willing to be nibbled on, all the while maintaining that sweet disposition that was present through each day of her long life. Over the last couple of years, her health failed her, but that didn't stop her from being the same old Suzy, eagerly finding her way onto my mom and dad's bed at night, comfortably sleeping the days away on her doggie bed and favorite blanket, sniffing out the nearest peanut butter treat, and always enjoying a warm lap to sit on.

I can just see her now, running around in heaven, able to see and hear again.

See you on the flipside Suz. We will miss you.

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