Friday, February 18, 2011

IU strikes first.

Prior to this week I would have said that Parker's school of choice might have still been UK.  But that all changed when I received a very cool looking piece of mail at my office.  It came in a large envelope featuring pictures of notable Hoosier basketball players and a picture of a  jam packed Assembly Hall.  Inside of said envelope was what I would consider the first recruitment letter for Parker and Lleyton (note to coaches, they are a package deal).

The envelope contained this picture...

A picture of our boys at half court of Assembly Hall signed to by IU head coach Tom Crean. 

It's safe to say IU is now at the top of both boys' lists of possible schools. 

Keep up the good work Coach Crean.  A few more notes like this one and both boys will be ready to sign a letter of intent to join the Hoosiers when that time comes.

A very big Thank You goes out to my boss' daughter Beth, who also happens to work for Tom Crean, for making our experience at the Hoosiers game happen and for sending this picture to our boys.

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