Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Things I learned today about Parker

Our friend and social worker that adopted two extremely happy little girls from Ethiopia last week was nice enough to call me this morning to tell me all about Parker and Kamashi.

After arriving in Ethiopia, they made the 12 hour drive out to Kamashi, as that is also the area that their girls are from. They first stopped at the orphanage and had a chance to meet our little man. Here is what they saw:

He is very playful and friendly (when the cameras are not on him, when the cameras are on him, he goes into a shell)

He shares very well with his friends

He loved the tennis balls and boomerang that we sent to him

He is quite thin (he was wearing a 5/6 shirt that was quite baggy)

His poor teeth are completely rotten (I learned that most of the people in that region chew sugarcane almost all day. So the combination of chewing on sugarcane and no dental care has come to equal rotten teeth. I have already spoken to a pediatric dentist here in Cincinnati about this issue.)

He is living in the orphanage right now

I wish we could post the new pictures of our little man in Ethiopia, but I just can't until he is officially ours.

So that is what we learned today. We are thrilled that he seems to be doing well and that he has officially been introduced to us through the pictures that we sent to him.

Hopefully more to come soon...

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