As we wait for our court date to get here we are diligently attempting to get everything we need to welcome our newest son into our family. We have been hitting garage sales, scouring craigslist, raiding sale racks at the Gap, Target, Walmart, and anywhere else we think we can find good deals.
Along with clothes shopping, we have had our eyes peeled for a bike for Parker and we (and by we I mean Sara) has been putting the final touches on Parker's bedroom furniture. We found two pieces of furniture that we really like at the Pottery Barn, but we couldn't find the right color, so Sara has taken it upon herself to sand both pieces, prime them, and now she is almost through repainting them a color than she deems acceptable. They look fantastic.
We still need to paint his room, find a few more clothes for him, hopefully run into a quality, yet inexpensive, portable DVD player that he can have for the trip home, and then put everything together so that we don't have anything to worry about once we get home other than getting Parker settled in and getting Lleyton used to having a new best friend. As of right now, I think Sara and I are his best friends, but we are more than willing to hand that title over to Parker.
One other very important thing we are doing while we wait is we are gathering donations to take over to Ethiopia with us. The generosity we have seen thus far has been amazing. Sara and I, on behalf of all of the children in Ethiopia that these donations are going to help, immensely thank everyone that has contributed. The generosity of those who have and those who are going to donate is a testament to the quality of family, friends, and coworkers that Sara and I are lucky to have.