Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy anniversary Parker!

I have legally been the father of two boys for one year as of today.  Along with the arrival of April 21st last year, also came the surprise phone call that we had passed court and Parker was officially our son.   We had been told our court date was April 23rd, so to pass two days early was a very pleasant surprise. 

The last year has been a whirlwind.  From the excitement we felt a year ago, to the desperation we felt a few months later, to the pride we feel today, our emotions have gone from one end of the spectrum and back. 

Happy anniversary Parker!  Your mommy and I are so pleased that you have adjusted as well as you have after those first months.  You are an incredible little man and I can't imagine life without you. 

I love you buddy!

Lelesa Belay in Ethiopia

Parker Lelesa Belay Ritzmann now